The Perspective: 05.23.24

As this week comes to a close, I feel very bittersweet. Bitter, because it was SO hot and my toes are cramping from the amount i’ve been running around! Sweet, because this H.O.F. has been unlike anything i’ve ever done. In MCBS we all divided responsibility to attack this event as efficiently as possible. Through this, i’ve made some excellent friends, fruitful connections and pure (chaotic) memories.

I’ll miss this week dearly, and want to leave a piece of wisdom. The best advice I heard this H.O.F. was from Helynn Hallock, she mentioned how she has never faced imposter syndrome, because she feels she was born to do what she does and nobody can take that from her. So I pass this to you to say, channel that in everything you do and you’ll always end up where you need to be.

This week at Hall of Fame has been absolutely incredible. From learning and conversing with industry giants to hanging out with my program mates, it has been an absolute blast. If I have learned anything from this week, it has been to trust myself. I am a naturally nervous person, and the thought of talking to strangers makes me want to crawl inside my own body. But this week, I have met some of the most incredible people. I can’t wait for next year, I know it will bring even more opportunity for growth and connections. The memories and lessons will stay with me for years to come and remind me of what is possible outside of my fears.


It's been a week full of stimulation, information, and motivation! I am humbled by the access I received from every profession I spoke with. Reflecting, I learned a lot from listening respectfully and intently throughout my networking process. All I remember thinking is, "Show appreciation," a theme that has not escaped my HOF14 experience since it kicked off.

Before the details get Laid out, I'd like to take this opportunity to offer a perspective of some internal insights that have helped me comprehend how I'd like to show up for those around me who genuinely support the ambitions and dreams that live inside of my head and heart and how I want to show up for myself. I would love to share! 

Having all the heavy hitters pop out and give themselves to our inspiration and curiosities is phenomenal! Now, getting to work some of these events and still having fun was the highlight of my experience… and here's a fact that can't be denied! I would not have survived HOF14 without my awesome teammates! The incredibly supportive student body! The laser-focused staff that facilitated the event and some of the most heart-nourishing instructors point you through the fatigue to opportunities that'd align with your expressed desires and untapped potential. 

Lastly, it was super important to me to support the fund that others were enduring around me while also immersing myself in it! 😎… but also to stop and smell the roses, to take a step back and see all the pieces of the process at work together in tandem and unity all at once. 

If you want a deeper dive into The Perspectives, check out MCBS' all-star writer's BLOGS from Lauren and Kareena 🤩…TJ out!



HOF14 〰️



The Perspective 05.21.24