Lie - BTS Video Cover

Industry: Pop Culture
Needs Assistance With: Audio, Content Development, Graphic Design, Videography, Video Editing
Number of Students Needed: 6+

Project Description

This is a cover (song and video) to the song Lie by BTS, specifically Jimin Park. The video will include a cover of me singing it as well as a full production video to go along with the track. The video includes elements from the short film BigHit Entertainment produced for Lie, a dance segment of the same choreography, as well as similar shots that links to other music videos from BTS. 

The audience this video is directed towards are the fans of BTS. I wanted to create an in depth music video for this song because a full music video was never released and there has yet to be a decent cover uploaded to the internet. 

The song's lyrics express how someone feels the need to be saved from the lie they have created and I wanted to show this in the video by having two representing personalities. One representing an innocent, uncorrupted personality dressed in a white shirt, the other a mature, deceitful personality dressed in a navy shirt.

Throughout the video, we see that the innocent personality is being corrupted by the deceitful personality. Visually we can see this change throughout the music video through the representations of an apple, paint, and a goblet. All of these relating to the group's past music videos in some way. 

Below, I have linked the story board I created (can only be accessed through the link provided) as well as several sources that I have pulled my inspiration from.

StoryBoard Notes:

Job Description

I have created the story board for the cover. My roles will be the talent of the project, so I will have my vocals recorded and be the one in front of the camera.

Other than this, my responsibilities will be to lead the production of the cover by making sure we include the elements needed to successfully represent the song and BTS.

Project Duration: Less than 1 week
Estimated Time Commitment: 16-20 hours per week
Can this work be done remotely? Yes
Is this a paid opportunity? No


Sizzle Reel - OGC


Puerto Rican Kitchen